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  • Is the study material worth the cost?
    “Yes” All the information you will need is here, in this one course.
  • Is this course for me?
    “Yes” In some states like Georgia, you are only allowed to test for your license twice a year. With the test exams ranging from $150 to $500 per test the course information is extremely valuable.
  • When should I purchase the “Audio version “ of the H.P.C. or the W.D.O.?
    The Audio Version is a good choice when you are familiar with the key topics on the exam. The “Audio version “ will help you to retain the information.
  • Does this course teach to the test?
    No. There are more then 13 different versions of the test in certain states, so more than likely you will not have the same test twice.
  • How often do I need to listen to, or watch the course?
    You should listen to the audio or watch the course daily if not several times a day. This depends on your personal knowledge intake level. Please make note that the passing score has increased from 70% to 75%.
  • How much can I earn with this license?
    Your earnings will be based off of your volume. However, we have seen monthly earnings up to 10k. I have seen people take out money from there 401k to hire technicians, advertise and earn up to a 100k per month.
  • What if I don’t see my state on here?
    You can fallow the link under “Georgia” !! “Georgia” has everything you will need to study under ( Pest control) H.P.C. and (Termites) W.D.O.
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